Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Protected Areas of the Madagascar Rainforest

Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar

National Parks were established by the French colonial government in the early twentieth century. Currently, these national parks only make up three percent of Madagascar's land area--and very little of this is still protected. Some of these parks are managed by the National Association for the Management of Protected Area, in Madagascar. One national park is the Ranomafana National Park in southeastern Madagascar. This park was created to promote sustainable development for villagers affected by the park and to conserve biodiversity.  The map below shows us the different parks in Madagascar and classifies them in three ways: 1) National Parks that prohibit hunting, farming, logging, and human habitation, 2) Special Reserves that protect less threatened species but hunting, farming, and logging are banned, and 3)Strict Nature Reserve where access is permitted only for authorized research.
  • Figure 8   National Parks in Madagascar
 "Deforestation of Tropical Rainforests - A Case Study of Madagascar." Geocases. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>.

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